Double Shot #1627

  • Creo - Cross platform mobile app design tool that runs on OS X. History in general has not been kind to this genre of tool.
  • What's new in Rails 5? - A big list of new features with some commentary.
  • Lita - General purpose chatbot written in Ruby. I find it way easier to use and customize than Hubot.

Double Shot #1625

  • Imba - "Imba is a new programming language for the web that compiles to performant JavaScript. It is heavily inspired by ruby and python, but developed explicitly for web programming (both server and client)." If only I had unlimited hours to learn new things instead of working for a living...anyone want to hire me to just play?

Double Shot #1623

  • HashPolice - Solution for checking hash contents in your tests.
  • Remotespace - Lots of articles about working remotely and being a digital nomad. (Back in the day, we called these "business travelers").
  • Vim-Galore - Lots of content about using Vim, just in case you wanted to learn yet another editor.

Double Shot #1618

  • Test runner in Rails 5 - There are lots of goodies waiting in the new rails/test command.
  • Trails - A fresh Rails-like framework for Node.
  • SourceLair - In-browser coding environment supporting Python, Ruby, HTML, JavaScript and C++ with git and hg integration.

Double Shot #1617

  • gistscript - Online storage & sandbox for Ruby scripts.
  • rack-mini-profiler - the Secret Weapon of Ruby and Rails Speed - A tool you should really know if you're not using it already.
  • btfs - Mount a torrent file or magnet link as a read-only directory in your file system.

Double Shot #1615

  • Vagrant 1.8 - New version is out with improvements in speed & size, among other goodies.
  • docker-alpine - Tiny Linux image based on Alpine Linux for minimal docker boxes.
  • react-boilerplate - I really can't keep up with this JS stuff: "Quick setup for performance orientated, offline-first React.js applications featuring Redux, hot-reloading, PostCSS, react-router, ServiceWorker, AppCache, FontFaceObserver and Mocha".

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