Double Shot #1469

  • Gutter - Server monitoring as a Rails engine.
  • Shoulda Matchers 2.8.0 - The latest version of Thoughtbot's test helpers for validations and associations, complete with Rails 4.2 support.
  • Announcing MongoDB 3.0 - Plenty of hype here, but looks like some good feature advances as well. I'm still skeptical that it is "the new DBMS standard".

Double Shot #1466

If you're looking for a senior Rails or junior Erlang developer, Dana Jones is looking for her next position.

  • Pronto - Automated code analysis tool that you can use with GitHub, GitLab, or locally.
  • Announcing Hound: A Lightning Fast Code Search Tool - Designed to search across multiple repositories.
  • iOS on Rails - Reference book and repository for designing both a Rails API and an iOS app to consume it. $39 from Thoughtbot.

Double Shot #1457

  • Databound - A gem to provide a JavaScript API for your Rails applications.
  • Octohub - OS X 10.10 application for GitHub project management, now in beta.
  • Secure Secure Shell - Setting up SSH to improve your chances of defeating the NSA.

Double Shot #1456

  • Increasing a Boot2Docker Volume - The (rather non-obvious) solution to mystery "no space left on device" errors when building Docker images on OS X.
  • Rails Deploy - A set of ansible scripts for setting up Rails applications.
  • Unhosted Web Apps - "Freedom from Web 2.0's Monopoly Platforms" by pushing everything to the user'd computer and running it all locally.

Double Shot #1454

Looks like this is the special 'code politics' edition...

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