Double Shot #1399

  • Guacamole - "Clientless remote desktop gateway" supporting VNC and RDP via HTML5.
  • Pico - A "stupidly simple & blazing fast, flat file CMS" for those easy web sites using Markdown & some meta formatting.
  • CSS at Plataformatec - How one consultancy organizes CSS in their Rails projects.

Double Shot #1396

  • MooseX - A New Ruby DSL - Declarative object oriented programming for Ruby, ported from Perl.
  • The Legal Stuff - RubyGems is (as always) looking for more help. If you depend on all the volunteers to keep your code running your really ought to think about giving back.
  • gritter - Add Growl-like notifications to your Rails application using jQuery's 'gritter' plugin.
  • - A pretty face and more tools on top of GitHub issues to make project management easier.
  • Time to Bring Back Fixtures - Why and how to consider replacing factories in your Rails projects.

Double Shot #1395

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