Double Shot #2718


I am not affiliated and this is not endorsed, etc.

I was just a huge fan of his Double Shot series in particular and wanted to preserve his work.

Many thanks for pointing me in the direction of so many cool things over the years. Best of luck!

Double Shot #2717

End of the Road

Yesterday was the last real Double Shot. I'm retiring, from working in software and from the Internet in general.

I've been writing code for over 40 years. I've been doing daily news roundups for decades, first in the Microsoft world and later in open source land. And frankly I'm just tired.

Looking back, I'm also not super-happy with how the industry has evolved. There was a time when I could believe and hope that software was making the world a better place. Looking around, I'm not so sure any more. Money and power have seized pretty much everything related to software, and the rising tide of surveillance, manipulation, and generally rapacious behavior appears to be getting worse all the time. It's become harder and harder to find any industry niche that I feel comfortable in working any longer. My sincere blessings to those of you who are still fighting the good fight, but as I said, I'm tired.

So, I'm done. This domain will remain online until the registration expires, and then it's gone. If you want anything, grab it now.

Double Shot #2716

Double Shot #2715

Double Shot #2714

Double Shot #2713

  • Glow - "Glow is a terminal based markdown reader designed from the ground up to bring out the beauty—and power—of the CLI."
  • Managing technical quality in a codebase. - "At a well-run and successful company, most of your previous technical decisions won't meet your current quality threshold."
  • Iceraven Browser! - "Our goal is to be a close fork of the new Firefox for Android that seeks to provide users with more options, more opportunities to customize (including a broad extension library), and more information about the pages they visit and how their browsers are interacting with those pages."
  • Themed days, Timeboxing and why you should use them. - Maximize your time by minimizing context switching.
  • The Developer Experience Gap - "The technology landscape today is a Scrooge McDuck-level embarrassment of riches."
  • How to measure technical debt - An attempt at a taxonomy.
  • bunkerized-nginx - "nginx Docker image secure by default."
  • Hands-Free Coding - "How I develop software using dictation and eye-tracking"

Double Shot #2712

Double Shot #2711

Double Shot #2710

Double Shot #2709

Double Shot #2708

Double Shot #2707

Double Shot #2706

Double Shot #2705

Double Shot #2704

Double Shot #2703

Double Shot #2702

Double Shot #2701

Double Shot #2700

Double Shot #2699

Double Shot #2698

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