Double Shot #2420

Double Shot #2419

Announcing the Beterra Wiki

This is sort of a joint side project of A Fresh Cup and my employer: the Beterra Wiki contains organized links in a few categories that I pay particular attention to these days.

You'll find a bunch of book reviews (primarily of engineering and software management and leadership books), as well as link collections. The most developed of the latter are aimed at microservices development and engineering managers, but there are other things. Over time I'll likely grow this collection, though I've got no intention of trying to become the next index to the entire web.

The site is organized as a wiki just because that makes it easy to maintain. I suppose if I were hipper it'd be an awesome whatever site on GitHub, but that's too hip for me. It's not open to outside editors, but if you really, really think you have something to contribute and want to pitch in, feel free to drop me a line and make your case.

Double Shot #2418

Double Shot #2417

Being Engineer 1 at a new startup is a possibility if you're in Austin. I've worked with Josh before, and I'd happily work with him again.

Double Shot #2416

Double Shot #2415

Double Shot #2414

Double Shot #2413

Double Shot #2412

Double Shot #2411

Double Shot #2410

Double Shot #2409

Double Shot #2408

Double Shot #2407

Double Shot #2406

  • Seeing Through Silicon Valley’s Shameless ‘Disruption’ - Yeah, this.
  • Sampler - A way to build charts of the results of shell commands with configuration via YAML.
  • Artichoke - "Artichoke is a platform for building MRI-compatible Ruby implementations. Artichoke provides a Ruby runtime implemented in Rust that can be loaded into many VM backends."
  • OWASP Cheat Sheet Series - "a concise collection of high value information on specific application security topics."
  • mobius3 - "Continuously and asynchronously sync a local folder to an S3 bucket."
  • bashblog-ng - A bash script for maintaining a blog, with many bells and whistles.
  • PartiQL - "SQL-compatible access to relational, semi-structured, and nested data." Note that this is an AWS effort, though at least somewhat open.
  • Toward a bastion-less world - If you're on AWS, you can leverage their infrastructure instead of building your own bastion hosts (or allowing direct SSH access to all your servers).

Double Shot #2405

Double Shot #2404

Double Shot #2403

Double Shot #2402

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