Double Shot #2284

  • forge - Work with GitHub or GitLab from the comfort of Emacs.
  • Rails schema autoresolve - Automatically fix git merge conflicts in Rails schema files caused by differing version strings.
  • A Tour of AWS Functionality Added in Jan 2019 - Good roundup for people who don't have time to read the entire firehose.
  • Sloth - A "Mac application that displays all open files and sockets in use by all running processes on your system."
  • Questions for a new technology. - A solid set of questions to use when the engineers want to chase the latest new shiny thing.
  • Modern Alternatives to PGP - Yep, that ship has sailed. Or sunk.
  • Talos - Stripped-down Linux distribution tailerd for Kubernetes.
  • Cortex - "Cortex is an open-source platform for building, deploying, and managing machine learning applications in production."

Double Shot #2283

Double Shot #2282

Double Shot #2281

Double Shot #2278

Double Shot #2277

Double Shot #2276

Double Shot #2275

Double Shot #2274

Double Shot #2273

Double Shot #2272

Double Shot 2271


  • Double Shot

Double Shot #2270

Double Shot #2269

Double Shot #2268

Double Shot #2267

Double Shot #2266

Double Shot #2265

  • Be safe on the internet. - "An open source checklist of resources designed to improve your online privacy and security." Good suggestions, though I'd feel even safer if I didn't need to enable JS to view their site.
  • The Cliff Nest - "Interactive serial sci-fi book" with embedded security puzzles to solve.
  • Devurls - An aggregator of headlines across various dev news sites.
  • json2graphql - A "tool that imports a JSON file to initialise schema and data in Postgres and then allows you to start querying it with GraphQL."
  • The joy of caretaking - Motivating people to work on the less-flashy projects is important.
  • Useful Curl features - There's probably more in curl than you know.
  • Strategies for Tackling Uncertainty with Apostrophe’s Kathy Keating - Some things to try when you don't quite know where you need to go.
  • Recommenders - Jupyter notebooks with examples of building recommendation systems, from Microsoft.

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